13 September 2010

Ciara Riding!

Well, I guess I missed a few days...I was knee deep in finals.  I am so glad that's over with. :)

I actually shot this yesterday.  It is the one and only shot I took yesterday.  Then, I completely forgot to upload it.  My youngest daughter finally decided to go on a motorcycle ride with my daddy.  She's 11 and always said NO WAY when asked if she wanted to go.  She shocked us all by asking out of the blue.  This was taken with my cell phone.  I was so unprepared.

We are on our way to open house at the high school.  I hope to get something worth posting while we are there.


Morp's Ramble said...

She's braver than me. Wouldn't get me on one of those without full leathers on!!

eury said...

When I was a teen, I burned the side of my calf on a bike, never been on one since.

Andromeda5000 said...

Oh my goodness. She looks sooooo small on that huge bike!!!

kimbomac said...

What a cute shot and what a brave girl, although I have to frown that neither of them are wearing leathers for safety. ;-)
Love your choice of border - it matches well.