13 September 2010


These tables are outside of the cafeteria at my daughter's school.  I like the way the setting sun is shining under the other side of the awning.  There are a lot of cool places for photos around the school.  If only there hadn't been so many people everywhere.

Ciara Riding!

Well, I guess I missed a few days...I was knee deep in finals.  I am so glad that's over with. :)

I actually shot this yesterday.  It is the one and only shot I took yesterday.  Then, I completely forgot to upload it.  My youngest daughter finally decided to go on a motorcycle ride with my daddy.  She's 11 and always said NO WAY when asked if she wanted to go.  She shocked us all by asking out of the blue.  This was taken with my cell phone.  I was so unprepared.

We are on our way to open house at the high school.  I hope to get something worth posting while we are there.

08 September 2010

Growing in the Yard

Last night I noticed something red on the tree out front.  This afternoon, I took a closer look.  I'm not sure what it is, but it's kind of pretty.  It's on a vine of some kind.  I had some English ivy planted out there at one time, but this seems to have taken over.

07 September 2010

Her Fearful Symmetry

I am loaded down with homework tonight, but I am reading this book that keeps calling my name.  I love when I get a new book to read.  Well, I just love books.  I can get rid of things when I am done with them, but I just cannot bring myself to part with any of my books.  One of these day, I will have to get a house to house my collection.

06 September 2010


This was a really quick shot of dinner.  Chicken, broccoli, and lentils...It tasted so much better than the photo shows.   Y'all should have been here.  There were plenty of leftovers! 

04 September 2010

Wake Me Up When September Ends

Allow me to take this opportunity to be a little corny. I had this song stuck in my head today, and it gave me the idea for today's post.  It seems that I am always tired lately no matter how much sleep I get.  I only wish that this had been a real nap.  It was very hard to get this photo as I have a cat that thinks it's cuddle time every time I get in the bed.

Yesterday in Color

This is a color version of yesterday's photo.  Ria is a pretty grey color and has hardly any stripes on her back and sides with a soft silvery belly.  I like her much better in color.